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About me

I'm finishing up my senior year at

Eastview High School.

I was born on August 8, 1993 in Moscow, Russia.

When I was 6, I moved to Montreal, Canada.

When I was 12, I moved to Minnesota.

I like playing sports (tennis, basketball and running cross country),

listening to music, watching movies,

playing video games, and working one the computer.

My GPA is above 3.7 and I took 2 honors classes freshman and sophomore year and

3 honors/AP classes junior and senior year.

I will be majoring in Statistics at the U of M - Twin Cities next year.

I will also keep studying math, statistics, and potentially computer science.

When I grow up, I'm planning to be an actuary or a software engineer.

Favorite Music Bands:

Favorite Singers:

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